Farmers National Banc
Market Cap
Small Cap
Num. Employees
IPO Date
Mar 9, 1994
Farmers National Banc Corp. is a bank and financial holding company, engaged in the provision of financial and banking services. The company is headquartered in Canfield, Ohio and currently employs 546 full-time employees. The firm provides full banking services through its nationally chartered subsidiary, The Farmers National Bank of Canfield (Bank). The firm's segment includes Bank segment and the Trust segment. The firm provides trust and retirement consulting services through its subsidiary, Farmers Trust Company (Trust), and insurance services through the Bank's subsidiary, Farmers National Insurance, LLC. Farmers National Captive, Inc. (Captive) is a wholly owned insurance subsidiary of the Company that provides property and casualty insurance coverage to the Company and its subsidiaries. The firm's wholly owned subsidiaries are comprised of Bank, a full-service national bank engaged in commercial and retail banking with 65 banking locations throughout Ohio and Pennsylvania; Trust, which operates five trust offices and offers services in the same geographic markets; and Farmers National Insurance, LLC.
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Simply Wall St Dividend Rating: ★★★★★★ Overview: First Interstate BancSystem (NasdaqGS:FIBK) is a bank holding company for First Interstate BancSystem (NasdaqGS:FIBK), offering a variety of banking products and services across the United States with a market cap of approximately $3.49 billion.
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